Radical love Luke 7:36-50

Radical love is a result of true repentance. In this amazing passage of scripture, we are introduced to three main Characters. A pharisee (named Simon), Jesus and a sinful woman. We are told that the pharisee invited Jesus for a meal. By this, we know that the pharisee has organised a feast for Jesus. Normally, the door is open, and people from the village are allowed to come in and witness the pharisee’s hospitality and honour to his guest. That’s how the sinful woman was able to gain access. She must have heard Jesus beforehand and repented of her sin. She comes in with a beautiful alabaster jar filled with expensive perfume. She was waiting until the pharisee had finished welcoming Jesus with a kiss, washed his feet, and anointed his head with oil then it was going to be her turn to pour out her perfume on Jesus. To her shock, the pharisee doesn’t honour Jesus at all.She is shocked and steps in the scene to compensate for the pharisee’s failure. That act of love is now judged by the pharisee who was meant to realise his failures. Jesus radically praises her love and affirm that she is a forgiven woman. Her radical love is due to her radical repentance. Jesus rebukes the pharisee for his neglect and praises the woman for her love. Simon thought that he was righteous, and it turns out that she was the righteous one, not him.

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