Get Ready to Possess What God Has Promised You

Many prophetic words have been released throughout the year. Most of them have built faith and brought encouragement. But now, in this season, the Lord is commissioning us to move and take possession of what He has promised. This word comes from Joshua 1:11: "Pass through the camp, and command the people: 'Prepare your provisions; for in three days you are to cross over the Jordan, to go in to take possession of the land that the Lord your God gives you to possess.'"

God promised this land to Abraham and his descendants. After the death of Moses, God commanded Joshua (Moses' assistant) to cross the Jordan in order to possess the land which the Lord was giving as an inheritance to His people.

This was a huge challenge for Joshua. Joshua spent the first eighty years of his life in training to be a leader marked by the life and skills of his mentor, Moses. Yet, he watched Moses die without crossing the Jordan to possess the land which flowed with milk and honey. Then the time came when Joshua was commanded to cross over and possess the land. He needed to take action and believe that the same God who was with Moses would also be with him. He needed to believe God's words: "No one shall be able to stand against you all the days of your life..." (Joshua 1:5), and that every place upon which the sole of his foot would tread would be given to him (Joshua 1:3). And Joshua chose to believe God, despite the previous failures.

The Time Is Now.

We must believe that the time for us to possess our inheritance has arrived.Joshua did not leave room for doubt or fear; rather, he took action by sending spies to spy out the land. Then he brought the ark of the covenant to lead the people.

When Joshua believed God and started to take active steps, God said to him, "...'This day I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, so that they may know that I will be with you...'" (Joshua 3:7). (Photo via Flickr)

Joshua continued to believe God. He commanded and selected twelve men, one from each tribe, to follow the priests that were carrying the ark of the covenant. Joshua believed that as soon as they would place the soles of their feet in the Jordan, the water of the Jordan would be cut off. Once they took this step, the water was cut off, and the Israelites crossed over onto dry ground.

As Joshua moved in faith, we also need to move in faith and fully believe that the time of possessing our inheritance has arrived.The same God who stood with Jesus is standing with us. He promised never to leave us nor to forsake us. This is a season to cast out doubt and unbelief. Joshua learned this lesson earlier on. After coming out of Egypt, he was chosen to be one of the twelve men to investigate the land of Canaan in Numbers 13-14. Caleb and Joshua, as the minority, brought a positive report, despite the majority's vote by the ten who claimed that they are unable to possess the land. Joshua and Caleb claimed that they were able to possess the land because God was with them.

The Bible tells us that Caleb had a "different spirit in him" (Numbers 14:24). The Bible also describes Joshua as "a man in whom is the Spirit" (Numbers 27:18). Both of these men had a proper confidence in God, a proper disregard for the obstacles, a proper fear of God, and a proper trust in the promises of God (Numbers 14:7-9). As a result, they were able to possess the land and watch God fulfill His promises.

Just as God did it for Joshua, He is about to do it again for us. Let's believe that our time is now.

Possessing God's Promises

As I prayed about this word, I heard God say, "Get ready to possess what I have promised you. Get ready to cross over into a new land. As I was with Joshua, I will be with you. Be strong and courageous. I'm not done with you yet. You are not fighting alone; I am fighting for you. The gift I have for you is Mine, and I have chosen to give it to you. (Photo via Unsplash)

"Look around and you will see panic, riots, and inflation all around. But even in this season, I'm about to open the floodgates of blessing over My children. You will be marked forever by this blessing. And the gates of Hell will not prevail, for I am about to split the Jordan, and every place that you step into you will possess.

"Take a step of faith, as I am going to tear down the gates of iron and the doors of bronze. The old era of Moses is gone. This is the 'now' moment for the greater breakthrough and inheritance. This is the time of the better covenant—the pouring out of My Spirit. And that's why it's time for your inheritance."

The Joshua Month

It's not a coincidence that this year is a Shmita year. It's the year of release and rest. But in June, we also celebrate Pentecost, which celebrates the outpouring of God's Spirit. This is why it's a Joshua month. This month will translate into unseen favor and grace. It is a new season to possess your land.

Those who have a "different spirit" from the world's spirit will see the unseen. Those who will elevate the promises of God above their mundane reality will see supernatural breakthroughs. Those who obey the Word of God will see things moving in ways that have never been seen before. It is a very exciting time! During this month, God is about to do unprecedented things in our natural reality. Get ready for an amazing June!


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